Friday, December 25, 2009

The Origin Of Alcohal

The Origin Of Alcohal
In ancient times when a man's time on earth was up, death came openly for him. Everyone was very much aware of the coming of death.
There lived in those days a blacksmith, who, loathing to die, planned to cheat death. He dug a long tunnel and within it, he constructed seven rooms in a row, one room leading to another. He lined the walls with thick plates of iron and he made seven strong locks for the seven rooms.
When Death finally arrived to take him away, the blacksmith was found in the innermost room in the tunnel.
"Come," said Death to the man, "You have lived long enough."
"Oh, sure," replied the smith, "But could you please wait just a moment right here, I'll return at once."
With these words, the smith left the room. As he walked out, he locked the rooms one after another untill Death was imprisoned in the tunnel, behind seven locked doors.
The men did not die anymore.
The great Shiva was worried. One day Parvati spoke to her spouse: "You seem very worried. Tell me what is wrong, my dear."
"Ah, there is much to worry about in the world," Lord Shiva replied, "Right now there is a very serious problem. People are not dying anymore. Can you imagine a greater misfortune than this?"
Why, where is death? asked Parvati.
That is what i did like to know, said the Lord Shiva.
Ah do not worry too much, said Patvati, I will find it out.
Soon afterward, Parvati appeared on earth as an ordinary woman. She found herself a house to live in. She bought grain from the markets. She made a mash of grains and distilled spirit from it. She then set up a shop and coaxed people to drink the spirit.
Not too many wanted to drink at first, but very soon, even though the drink could cause death, the people crowded the shop everyday. Under the power of drink, the men felled relaxed. They unloosened their tongue and they bragged. Sometimes they quarreled amongst themselves. They just love to drink all the time.
One day the blacksmith came to the shop for a drink.
"Dont drink too much warned Parvati. You may die.
At this the man laughed aloud, "Oh, dont worry about me, "he said, I will not die. I have death behind seven locks.
After that disclosure, it did not take long for Parvati to set death free.
From that time Death came upon men steathily, often taking them by surprise.
And from that time men have made their own drink.

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