Sunday, January 10, 2010

Why The Cock Crows

In the beginning there was no fire in heaven nor light on earth.
One day God sent for a cock and told him to fetch fire, but he was warned not to make a noise while he was down on the earth.
The cock flew down and asked Man for fire.
"Promise me something first," said Man.
The cock gave his word of honor three times over to do what was required of him in order to get fire.
Man then said to the cock, "Will you please crow?"
"That I cannot," said the cock, "For God had told me not to crow."
"Then you will break your promise and take no fire with you," said Man.
The cock didn't know what to do, but, in the end, he crowed loud and long. It was then just past midnight.
He crowed a second time and there was a gust of wind.
He crowed a third time and there was a faint light in the east.
He crowed a forth time and it was full daylight.

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